Have you ever wanted to get together with some of your closest girlfriends, granddaughters, daughters, mothers, mother-in-laws, daughter-in-laws, sisters, or even just yourself and enjoy a cup of tea and just visit? Well here is your chance. Come and join us on July 21, 2018 from 9:00 am till 2:00 pm for tea, finger sandwiches, fellowship, and fun. Oh, have I forgotten, do you have a favorite tea and/or finger sandwich that you are wishing to share with others? Well we welcome all that wish to share.
Anyone that would like to help, bring something, or would just like to come and have fun, please RSVP either by emailing her by clicking here, texting her, or calling her at 916.737.6358 Angela Williams to let her know, that way she can have everything ready.