It has been a long time coming, but now we have enough children to dive into Sunday School. Beginning 9/07 (The Sunday after Labor Day) we will have Children's Sunday School using a program designed by our diocese. Sunday School will begin at 9:45 am.
Due to he consturction required as we upgrade our organ, we will be worshipping in the Parish Hall on Jefferson St until further notice. Service times will still be the same.
I have created a blog for the Church as a sort of community in between Sundays. This is a place to interact with things possibly that came up as a result of the sermon on Sunday, or things that come up as you think of them. join me as I brave this new world of blogging.
Bishop Iker will be making his annual visitation on December 15 at the 10:30 service.. We will have one Confirmation and one Reception. Come help us greet our Bishop and welcome and celebrate with our two other guests of honor.
Inquirer's Class will meet Sunday evenings (10/6 - 12/8) from 6-8 pm at the Woolf Den. This is designed for all seeking to deepen their understanding of the Church and her teachings. All are welcome.
We will be having our Parish Picnic this Sunday. As a result, there will only one Mass at 9:30am. After that we will be going over to Grant and Karen Simpson's house for our annual get together. If you are visiting this Sunday, please note the change in service time, but know that you are invited to come with us. (Maps will be provided.)
Come join us as we begin Holy Week with our Palm Sunday Procession (including a live donkey). We will begin at the Train Depot at 10:30am this Sunday March 24.